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Julia Quynh

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I have realized that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself reminiscing of better days, and feeling more regretful of not appreciating or treasuring the little things in life more than I do now. After speaking with many of my fellow friends, I realized that I am not the only one who is feeling this way.I think it’s a given, that as time passes by living in this ‘new normal’, we have all become more introspective and nostalgic for how life was before the pandemic, or when we were younger.Feelings of regret and reminiscence has become all the more prevalent, and I want to present stories, of how reflecting on our past selves have affected our present self today. In my final project, I have connected my passion of telling stories and the journalistic skills I have gained in my years as an ALC student, to present my own journalistic zine.

Artist statement

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